Teaching Statement
Photo by: Jackie Stevens
I want to see my students grow as oboists and musicians, which requires going far beyond simply learning to play assigned music.
A typical lesson will consist of fundamentals (scales and exercises), etudes (Barret, Sellner, or Ferling), solo repertoire, and reeds. While lesson time adheres to this basic structure, no two students receive the same lesson. I cater each student’s instruction according to their specific goals, needs, and learning preferences.
Students are assigned a minimum of 2 selections of solo repertoire throughout a given semester. They perform their first assignment on a mid-semester studio recital, and their second assignment for their end of semester jury. In doing so, a tangible goal related to lesson time is established, and students are given the opportunity to not only demonstrate, but celebrate, their hard work.
Outside of lessons, students also attend oboe studio and reed-making class weekly. Like many university applied teachers, I run studio time in the traditional masterclass format where students can practice performing solo repertoire, etudes, and orchestral excerpts. However, I also view it as an opportunity to prepare my students to become diversely skilled musician-educators. As a result, studio assignments are often geared toward topics of professional development, entrepreneurship, and arts administration, and certain studio days are set aside for this.
With a foundation of strong fundamentals instilled, my ultimate teaching goal is to foster a student’s creativity and help them develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. I prepare my students to become organized, professional, and empathetic individuals who will be effective educators and kind colleagues.